Science Technology and Management Journal
<p><strong>Science Technology and Management Journal,</strong> or who wants to be known as STMJ is a forum for lecturers and researchers to publish their findings to the wider community. STMJ is committed to providing updates on scientific, technological, and management findings twice a year (January and August). Through STMJ, we hope that the scientific community can use it to develop science and technology and apply it for the common good.</p>Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Nasional Karangturien-USScience Technology and Management Journal2746-0207The Effect of Oven and Solar Portable Dryer Drying Methods In Terms Of the Antioxidant Activity of Moringa Oleifera Leaves
<p><em>Drying is a method that is widely used because this method is very simple and cheap. Drying techniques using conventional methods are the most widely used methods in drying food ingredients. Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) are a food ingredient widely used as a natural dye and contains many antioxidant components. Antioxidant components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, lycopene, and ß-carotene. In this research, the drying process was carried out by comparing two conventional drying methods by an oven and a portable solar dryer. The research method was carried out using a sample preparation process for the drying process of Moringa leaves, followed by an analysis of antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. From the results of research that has been carried out, antioxidant activity was found to be 5.22% in drying using the oven method and 14.02% in drying using the solar portable dryer method. The conclusion from the research that has been carried out is that the drying method will significantly influence the antioxidant activity of Moringa leaves. Apart from that, temperature conditions and the length of the drying process will also influence antioxidant activity.</em></p>Sihombing Monang Pulung NugrohoMikrando Sheva Yandistara
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742353810.53416/stmj.v4i2.255PANGAN FUNGSIONAL DARI TEMPE NON-KEDELAI
<p><em>Tempeh is a functional food product which is generally made from soybeans. Until now, the need for soybeans is still largely met by imports. Therefore, it is necessary to study the potential of raw materials from non-soybeans from domestic production to replace soybeans. The aim of this review is to determine the potential of non-soybeans in processing tempeh as a functional food. Various non-soybean varieties such as jack beans, green beans, pigeon peas, lamtoro beans, red beans, peanuts, black soybeans, and saga beans, can be used as an alternative to soybeans as a raw material for making tempeh. The process for making tempeh from non-soybeans is in principle the same as the process for making tempeh from soybeans, the differences are in the length of soaking, boiling/steaming and fermentation. The potential protein content in non-soy tempeh has many benefits due to the presence of bioactive compounds. This non-soybean raw material has the potential to be developed as an alternative raw material to substitute soybeans in making tempeh..</em></p>Jienny JayantiWindy Rizkaprilisa
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742394410.53416/stmj.v4i2.242Personal Higiene Penjaja Makanan di Kota Salatiga, Sebagai Bagian dari Wisata Gastronomi
<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi personal hygiene penjaja makanan di Kota Salatiga. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan paparkan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 119 penjaja makanan, di mana sebagian besar makanan disajikan secara terbuka dan terpapar dengan udara. Perlu upaya perbaikan dalam proses penyajian dan pengemasan makanan dan minuman agar terhindar dari potensi pencemaran.. Perlu upaya perbaikan dalam proses penyajian dan pengemasan makanan dam minuman agar tehindar dari potensi pencemaran. Dengan adanya temuan ini, bisa menjadi masukan bagi pemangku kepentingan agar bisa mengeluarkan regulasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan bagi para pelaku usaha kuliner di Kota Salatiga. Dengan adanya kegiatan tersebut, para pelaku usaha bisa dipantau berkaitan dengan permasalahan personal hygiene guna mendukung Salatiga sebagai kota gastronomi.</p>Dhanang Puspita
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742454910.53416/stmj.v4i2.259A Mini-Review: Metabolites of Kappaphycus alvarezii
<p><em>The aim of this paper is to highlight physiology approach in in the context of seaweed studies, especially Kappaphycus alvarezii. First, introduction about seaweed are reviews. Second, physiology and metabolites studies in seaweed, especially</em> <em>primary metabolites, and secondary metabolites in K. alvarezii are presented and discussed. As conclusion, metabolites studies may provide key sources of information that can be tools to assess the application of biotechnological-based approaches for conservation, industry, and management</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>.</em></p>Bayu Mangkurat
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742505610.53416/stmj.v4i2.237Identifikasi Teknik Data Mining Metode Asosiasi: Systematic Literature Review
<p><em>Data mining is a process of collecting important information from large data. Data mining has many functions, one of which is the description function. In this case, the description function is that later data mining can find certain patterns hidden in data. This research aims to identify which association methods in data mining are most often used, identify the most dominant dataset models in association methods, identify the most relevant journal years in association methods, identify what fields most often use association methods, and find out the objectives of researchers using association methods such as FP-Growth and Apriori in various related journals. Using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach, to answer the research questions that have been prepared from the analysis with a total of 33 related journals. So as a result, this study shows that the application of the SLR method can provide answers to the research questions that have been prepared.</em></p>Erba LutfinaSyafira Putri YuanitaImelda DimentievaAhmad Naufal PribadiMukhammad Shaunan SyahidanMochammad Alief Fauzan Akbar Safa’atJoseph Loekito
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742576110.53416/stmj.v4i2.257Pengolahan Pascapanen Secara Tradisional untuk Menjaga Ketahanan di Pulau Timor, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pegolahan pascapanen secara tradisional yang digunakan oleh masyarakat di Pulau Timor untuk menjaga ketahanan pangannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan melakukan studi lapang di desa tradisional ata desa adat di Pulau Timor. Data kualitatif didapatkan dari wawancara dengan penduduk lokal, dan ditambahkan dengan studi literatur, yang didesrkipsikan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian, pengeringan bahan pangan dilakukan dengan penjemuran dan pengasapan, yang bertujuan mengurangi kadar air dan menempatkan pada kondisi yang aman dari serangga, jamur, dan mikroorganisme di para-para yang selalu di papar dengan asap. Dengan metode pengasapan, bahan pangan akan lebih awet dan tidak terjadi kerusakan akibat serangan hewan dan jamur. Dapat disimpulkan, teknologi pengeringan dan pengasapan mampu mengawetkan bahan pangan, sehingga bisa mendukung ketahanan pangan di Pulau Timor.</p> <p> </p>Dhanang Puspita
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742626610.53416/stmj.v4i2.253Metode dan Algoritma Dalam Sentimen Analisis: Systematic Literature Review
<p><em>This study highlights the advantages of sentiment analysis using algorithms in understanding public opinion, especially in the context of the increasing complexity of digital content. To investigate and present the latest developments in sentiment analysis, this study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to identify and evaluate previously developed sentiment analysis methods. The research steps involve identifying significant sentiment analysis methods, assessing advantages and disadvantages, and critically reviewing recent advances. By applying algorithms in this process, it is expected to be able to analyze and describe the development of sentiment analysis research comprehensively. Through the application of the SLR method, this study is expected to provide in-depth insights into trends, challenges, and opportunities for future research in sentiment analysis, create a better understanding of effective sentiment analysis methods, and detail the expected results that can be expected in the development of sentiment analysis.</em></p>Erba LutfinaWiwin AndrianaSanina Quamila Putri WiratmajaErvina Febrianti
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal
2024-08-172024-08-1742677910.53416/stmj.v4i2.274Harmonisasi EVIKA dan METT terhadap IUCN Green List Menuju Efektivitas Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Berstandar Internasional
<p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br>___________________________________________________________________<br>Dua metode yang digunakan dalam pengukuran efektivitas pengelolaan kawasan konservasi di Indonesia, yakni metode METT dan EVIKA. METT adalah metode penilaian efektivitas pengelolaan kawasan konservasi di Indonesia menggunakan sistem Score Card oleh KLHK. Sementara EVIKA adalah metode penilaian yang digunakan oleh KKP menggunakan prinsip pengelolaan adaptif. Terdapatnya perbedaan kriteria hasil pada kedua penilaian, sehingga memerlukan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi agar kedua penilaian tesebut menjadi selaras. Diharapkan dengan adanya harmonisasi ini, metode EVIKA dan METT dapat selaras dan memberikan ukuran kualitas yang diakui secara internasional yang dapat digunakan untuk pemasaran dan promosi kawasan konservasi dalam skala global. Salah satu standar internasional pengukuran efektivitas pengelolaan yang komprehensif, memberikan pengukuran konsisten dan dapat dibandingkan secara global yang bersifat kuantitatif, konsisten, dan mencakup seluruh dimensi konservasi berbasis kawasan adalah IUCN Green List. Diharapkan dengan harmonisasi METT dan EVIKA dapat menjadi inisiasi langkah awal Indonesia dalam mendapatkan IUCN Green List untuk mencapai tata kelola dan pengelolaan kawasan konservasi yang efektif dan adil.<br><br><strong>Abstract</strong><br>____________________________________________________________________<br><em>Two methods are used to measure the effectiveness of conservation area management in Indonesia, namely the METT and EVIKA methods. METT is a method for assessing the effectiveness of conservation area management in Indonesia using the scorecard system by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Meanwhile, EVIKA is an assessment method used by the KKP using adaptive management principles. There are differences in the outcome criteria for the two assessments, so coordination and synchronization are required so that the two assessments are in harmony. It is hoped that with this harmonization, the EVIKA and METT methods can be harmonized and provide internationally recognized quality measures that can be used for marketing and promoting conservation areas on a global scale. One of the international standards for measuring comprehensive management effectiveness, providing consistent and globally comparable measurements that are quantitative, consistent, and covers all dimensions of area-based conservation is the IUCN Green List. It is hoped that the harmonization of METT and EVIKA can initiate Indonesia's first step in obtaining the IUCN Green List to achieve effective and fair governance and management of conservation areas.</em></p>Bayu Mangkurat
Copyright (c) 2024 Science Technology and Management Journal